Monday, December 31, 2012

Beyond Planting Trees? ? Interview with Documentary Filmmaker

I am always astounded by the selflessness that is displayed by some documentary filmmakers. Their resilience to tell a story not for the entertainment or occupation of our free time, but to question our human condition, and challenge us as an individual. Danielle Berg is a creative writing and literature major at Stony Brook University, she also possesses an acute admiration for cinema. Recently she dug deep into her past and spirit to conceive an ambitious project to help raise awareness for the Choco Rainforest in Ecuador. The place in question is the Itaopa?Reserve. Currently Danielle is raising money ($5000) on Indiegogo, to purchase a; camera, a laptop, and editing software, to direct, shoot, and edit a film about the reserve. After which she will donate all the equipment to the head of the reservation Raul, so that he may continue to archive video to raise awareness.

I could speak about Ms. Berg and her project for hours but as a writer herself, she deserves as much room on this page as I do. The following is an interview I conducted with her about both her latest cinematic endeavour, and her itch for film.


An Itapoa Reservation Hostel

The Artifice: You?ll have to bear with me, this is my first interview [for The Artifice].

Danielle Berg: I am so delighted to be your first. [laughs] I will bear with you.

A:?Groovy. Do you remember the moment that you decided to make this film?

DB:?It was this summer, when I was making my third short film. I like film, it?s a lot of work, lots of hours in the editing room. At the end I had a film that I liked, but in my writing I prefer non-fiction, so I started thinking about some documentary ideas. I volunteered at the Itaopa Reservation 3 years ago and it always kind of stuck with me. And I thought, you know what, I have the skills to do something for them that stood beyond just planting trees, and the things that most of the volunteers do. So I think it was in the editing room when I was really really frustrated, and I thought I could put this frustration toward something that was activism, and not just a video for my own self.

A:?I think that?s great! I know a lot of people including myself,?whom make films? but it doesn?t really challenge anything, like your film can and probably will do. Could you talk a little bit about your past experience with film?

DB:?My film experience is pretty limited, I lucked into it. The (Stony Brook University) Southampton Campus was going to expand to include film and theatre, they got the faculty but they didn?t have the students yet. So they started offering classes to the writing students, and I said ?that sounds awesome!?. So a lot of my friends took the class and it was a lot of fun. It?s something I never thought I?d be able to do, I?ve always had an interest in film editing but I just didn?t have to skill for it. I did it on a whim.

The first film I made was? almost? unusable. I didn?t understand the idea of continuity at all and I had a little kid playing chess with an old lady and every take the cards would be different. It was horrible (laughs). Now I wanna go back, and I can probably make something with it. It?s so sweet but it?s nothing.

The second one I did may have been lost forever, because they cleared the hard drives at school without having a chance to back it up. So I don?t know if it exists. I act in it and my friends brother who is an actor, is in it as well, and this one is very close to me because? I was in it, and I wrote something more personal to me. We did a whole day of shooting, which was a crash course in how to not do things (laughs). I was so tired because I was in it and I was in theory, directing and I had my friends doing the camera work. But toward the end of the day at midnight I was like ?I don?t even care, let?s just make this happen!? and then we had to do a reshoot a couple of weeks later because we needed some stuff that I hadn?t gotten. I learned a lot on that one.

Those two films were made in the class I took over the semester. Then Madaline who is in the film department, offered me and a couple of friends an opportunity to work the class over the summer so we didn?t have to pay for it. I got to take this class with Mitchel Kriegman (Rugrats, Rocko?s Modern Life), who wrote all the?Nickelodeon shows I grew up with, which was very cool, and I made my third short film. And that one is alive and well on YouTube. And that one was also one we did in a week. I was happy with the results! Like I said though, fiction films right now, don?t do it for me as much as the non-fiction stuff.

A:?When did Indiegogo come into the picture?

DB:?So I wanted originally to just fund the project myself because I really don?t like asking for help, it makes me uncomfortable and I?m shy (laughs), so I really didn?t want to do that. I have a few friends who have used Kickstarter and Indiegogo and it?s been really successful, but I kinda wanted to just make it happen and not get hung up on the fundraising cause it?s a lot of work. I?m still working on my thesis, I didn?t want to spend too much time fundraising. A friend asked me if that was the route I was gonna go, and I said ?I don?t know?. My friend Will who is a very ?think big? kind of person said, ?you know it doesn?t have to be your own money, people do things like this all the time and they ask for money?, and I was like ?yea I know, you?re probably right?. So I checked them out, so Kickstarter doesn?t do causes or non-profits, it?s only for art and personal projects. Then I looked at gofundme, it?s smaller, a lot of people use it for stuff like ?my car broke, and I?m poor, so help me fix it!? (laughs). Indiegogo has a sweet spot for it. Actually environmental campaigns don?t usually do well on Indiegogo. I don?t have a statistic for you, but if you look at how often they?re fully funded environmental causes are really on the low end of the list so I was reluctant. I figured since I had people whom were willing to help out it was just a link I could send them to show them it was valid and where it was going. My goal is $5000, I?ve raised $2000 so far but I?m gonna make it work with that. I?ll just get a less expensive camera and work around it.

A:?Why do you think these environmental causes don?t get the attention that others do?

DB:?There have been a few people I?ve talked to, (actor) Steve Hamilton is one of them. He has some experience fundraising and said that, ?people don?t donate to a cause, they donate to a person?. So when you?re fundraising, it?s more about the fundraiser or person you?re fundraising for. I think it may be too abstract but people don?t click with an environmental cause like they do with someone?s animal being sick. I don?t really know, I guess we care a little bit more about people, then animals, then somehow the environment is taken very much for granted and it doesn?t have a face. Also there are just a million causes in the world, a million forests, a million oceans, and there?s just so many things to care about that I think it?s just so hard to grab someones attention with a rain forest that?s a third of the way across the world.


A:?Would you say your person of interest in raising money was Raul?

DB:?Yea, Raul is my link to the Choco Rain Forest in the first place. He?s given up everything to protect this rain forest and I?ve seen-I?ve meet other people who do the same thing because it?s their land and they care about it. It?s just kind of amazing because you don?t see that much in the U.S. I think that may be because our Government does a better job of protecting the land. Down there, the protection at the Choco is almost nothing. The Amazon is a much more publicized, and the?rainforest you think of when you think of South America. Because they drill for oil there, a lot of celebrities have gotten behind some fundraisers, helped raise money, and saved giant tracks of land in the Amazon. The Choco is there too, it?s just not as well publicized. So there are people there like Raul who are working really hard and they?re not getting the same sort of publicity.

A:?I?d say your ambitions are matched, him just being there and you spreading the word with this film. You?re a creative writing major, and film isn?t your first round pick so to speak. When you were conceptualizing the project and trying to get fundraising, what advantages did you find with your experience in writing and disadvantages with not being fluent in film?

DB:?It?d be easier for a non-writer to write something for an Indiegogo page. If you write, you?re used to doing several drafts and second guessing everything. So for me, even writing the Indiegogo page was challenging because I?m very hard on myself when it comes to writing and? that?s writing. I think in the end since I?ve been writing for a while, I can write a pitch and I?ve done some press release work before. It?s funny because if you?re doing press for someone else and writing about someone else or someone else?s project it?s really easy to do. But when you?re doing it for your own thing you suddenly become really self conscious, and you feel like you?re self promoting which feels really weird. The writing was helpful but I almost wish I was writing this for someone else, it would have been much easier, or I should have gotten one of my writing friends to do this for me (laughs). But I didn?t do that.

When it comes to film, I?ve only been doing it for about a year. So I?m not an expert camera man, or editor, but? I am a story teller, and that sounds really cheesy (laughs). If the last few years have afforded me anything, it?s how to tell an interesting story. So I trust that I?ll be able to craft a film out of all the things I?ll be encountering down there. The rest of the stuff for me just takes a lot of work. I?m probably going to be the one doing the shooting and editing, unless I somehow raise a crap ton of money to pay an editor (laughs). But I don?t think that?s how it?s gonna be. The making of the movie itself, the crafting together of the story, and the interviews, and leading it into a film, that the writing has helped me with. I think that two or three years ago I would not have undertaken this and thought, ?I can?t do this!?. But I?ve seen myself do other things I thought I couldn?t do. It gives you more confidence, although I think writers in general aren?t all that confident (laughs). Some of the best writers are not.

A:?Give me the 411 on the Choco Rainforest and the Itapoa Reserve.

DB: Back in the 60?s the government gave regular people the land, and in order to prove that they were using it so they could keep it, they had to deforest half of it. So 50 years ago, half of Ecuador?s forests were gone because of that. African Palm Companies harvest palm oil for bio-deisel fuel, which sounds great because it sounds better than oil. But everything has a consequence, even if you eat Tofu they?re cutting down some trees somewhere to plant soy, that?s just a fact. Only .3% of the land is protected from deforestation, that leaves the rest of it open for logging. They burn down the land and build these plantations, and these plantations have this effect of spoiling the water for the residence. A lot of them get pushed out of their lands? it?s like really messed up. Over here we don?t really know what?s involved with the palm oils that?s in cookies and other products we eat, but the politics behind it are really just appalling. Even if the land is protected and there?s an indigenous group living in the rain forest, they don?t know how to read. So these companies come to them with these contracts and say were gonna pay you a few hundred dollars for hundreds of acres of land. These companies promise roads, educations and all this great stuff but it turns out that non of the plantations need many employees either and they make less than when they previously were farming their own land. So they leave to find and make work in other parts of the jungle, deforesting other parts of the jungle. The others who stay behind have a higher rate of skin and liver disease from the pesticides. That?s just the people. There?s something like 3000 endemic species that don?t exist anywhere else in the world, only in the Choco rainforest, and a lot of them are highly endangered. The rate of deforestation isn?t slowing down because there isn?t any awareness about it. Jordan Karubian is a scientist who stated the Bilsa reserve, and the only video you can find on the internet about the Choco is by this guy. So there are people and organizations that are working really hard, but it?s only amounted to .3% protection.

A:?I hear they have some pretty kick ass chocolate.

DB:?(laughs) A lot of our chocolate, and coffee comes from Ecuador. Raul has a chocolate save the rainforest program where he?ll buy chocolate from the locals for 20% above the trade cost in exchange that they promise to reforest some of the land. He doesn?t do much of that anymore, he has one community that he works with and sells the chocolate out of a hostel. It?s very small, he was having trouble exporting or finding someone to export it. With Raul, he wants to free himself up so that he can be doing research in the jungle or guiding volunteers. But that (chocolate) is what I?m giving as a prize for donating, and it is great. I still have chocolate from 3 years ago that I made with my own hands. It?s totally stale, white, and crusty, but I just grind it into my smoothies and no one notices. But the chocolate I?m giving out is fresh.

me   boom

A:?Either way the chocolate is good for your soul. What?s it like to work with Raul?

DB:?When you first meet Raul he?s like a lot of impassioned people, where he gets really excited about what he?s talking about and stutters. It?s so obvious when you first meet him. It is all rainforest, all the time. I learned a ton. He has these programs where people can come out for a weekend or 5 days and do a jungle trek, and I was just volunteering at his reserve, which is also an option, but there was someone coming in from Brooklyn just to do the trip and he (Raul) said ?Well, I guess you better come.?. So I got a sort of crash course in the jungle that I may not have gotten from volunteering. Volunteering for him is like; planting trees, making chocolate, or helping with the garden. He doesn?t have time to decorate his house or anything, it?s so bare bones, and he?s a man living there? and it?s obvious (laughs). It?s just enough for him to go to sleep at night so he can go out the next day. I was very tempted to paint it but he was like, ?No, we don?t need that, we need to go plant trees.?. He?s super smart, and we became really good friends. He?s a really freakin? great person, he kind of does anything for anyone. He?s inspired me a ton, because when you see someone giving up everything in their life for a cause you think, ?Well, what am I doing in my little life??. Every once in a while he gets invited to do lectures in Germany or in the U.S. I think he did one in Spain a few years ago and these people who are not biologist heard his lecture and they came to volunteer and are actually coming back to volunteer the same time I am so hopefully they?ll be a few spanish volunteers there. He (Raul) often moves people to go stay at his reserve and donate their time. I haven?t seen his lecture, but part of my hope, is that we can turn that lecture into a video and make his ?effect? exponentially larger.

A:?Sounds like you have a lot planned for the future past just making this film.

DB:?Oh yeah! One film is great, but twelve is better, so let?s do that. I could have borrowed equipment from friends, but I wanted to raise money so I can leave the equipment behind. I want to start a YouTube account for the Choco because there is only one video out there and I think that so cummy (laughs), if you google the Amazon you get a ton. They can document endangered species, have volunteer journals, anything that could encourage someone who was maybe considering donating their time to the reserve to go ahead and do it. Not to say that they shouldn?t be devoting their time to other things, of course they should, but a lot of people know about the Amazon and not a lot know about the Choco. So I?m trying to publicize it as much as I can. There is a scientist and his team researching the Brown Headed Spider Monkey which is endemic to the Choco, and it?s the most endangered Monkey in Ecuador. They found out about my project from Facebook, and got in contact with me saying they were so excited and were wondering if we could help each other out, like she could be part of the documentary, and in exchange I could help publicize their cause and I could get footage of these primates, and I?m doing this for selfless reasons? but how cool is it that! I can go one this trek with these biologist and track down one of the most endangered primates in Ecuador, like wow! I help them and they help me, and that?s what leaving electronics behind will help do. Electronics in Ecuador are way more expensive and the people there make a fraction of what we make, so me bringing a camera to them from here isn?t the same as them buying a camera down there. I have a couple of old computers that I plan on donating to them but I want to raise enough to buy a new one so it?ll last more than a year after I leave.?

A:?Well if monkeys are going extinct than us humans must not be too far behind, so I like the idea of saving them. 12 films sounds like quite an ambition, 12 is actually my lucky number.

DB:?It might not be 12 legit films but it?s gonna be videos so you can see so much about it.

A:?For those short on change or us poor college students that can?t donate on the heavier side, what can they do to help out? Besides making their own film of course, competition is stiff enough.

DB:?There?s a million causes in the world, and it?s the holiday season, and we?re all poor, and unemployment is high, so it?s really hard to ask people to support a project. And just because I care about something doesn?t mean that other people have the time, or the energy to care about the same thing. With that said, I?ve still sent out messages to my classmates and said ?hey look, there?s 40 of you, if you all just save your change and put in $10 that?s $400 toward my goal. People tend to think that their $2 doesn?t help but it does. People that can?t donate, just liking the Facebook page and spreading the word helps. The people who know about it and don?t donate will still be waiting to see the finished film, so being part of a community that cares no matter if you donated $1, $2, or $200, getting the word out is amazing. People I talked to didn?t even know this part of the world existed and they didn?t know what was happening to it. Just being a little bit more aware.

A:?You?ve obviously been inspired by life, which is the highest plane of inspiration you can reach if you want to put it on a hierarchy, but what are some films you?ve seen that have inspired you to do this and how you?re going to do it?

DB:?The answers simple actually, the inspiration came from a feature film I saw in theaters that didn?t have anything to do with the environment. There?s this movie called?Breaking Upward?which was made with a $20,000 dollar budget and the people who made the film acted in it and all their friends helped them, which is part of the larger movement that is going on now, which is what Stony Brook is basing their whole program around; making your own film without having to go through a studio or sell your script. I think it?s that movement that?s inspired me and all of my friends who are doing this to just do it. Instead of waiting for someone to tell you to do it or tell you it?s okay to do it, just do it. That?s the trend and I?m happy to be apart of it. There?s also this film called?Craigslist Joe?about this guy who decided to drop everything for 30 days and just live off of Craigslist, people who would let him crash at their place for the night, volunteer jobs, dates, everything. He had no money, no phone numbers in his phone, no nothing, and it was just this idea this guy had and I think he?s my age, and he just did it. He?s not a filmmaker or anything like that but at the end he had this really inspiring video, it wasn?t perfect but I like seeing things like that, where I can see myself doing it and see how the film is made. These little movies that you can wrap your head around the whole thing is really helpful, cause if it?s a giant Hollywood movie it?s like ?oh my god there?s millions of people, and millions of dollars involved in this?, it?s the small stuff like Breaking Upwards and?Craigslist Joe?that say ?hey, I?ve got a group of five friends, we can do this!?. As far as environmental films go I saw The Cove, An Inconvenient Truth, Forks Over Knives,?what?s that giant one about food?

A:?Food INC.?

DB:?Yes that?s it! I just enjoy documentaries a lot so I would watch all of those cause I really like school and being in classes. There were times in my life when I wasn?t a student and I took documentary?s as kind of sitting in on a lecture.

A:?What are other ideas for film that you have bouncing around in your head?

DB:?Okay I have two ideas that I?d really like to make happen within? the next couple of years. I am a previously extreme struggler of social anxiety. So I suffer from panic attacks and was an agoraphobic for a couple of months when I was younger, and I think that a lot of people don?t acknowledge their own anxieties, because there?s a huge stigma that if you?re weak, than society does not value you. I?m really into life science right now, so I?d love to do a mini doc about people who have suffered with anxiety, maybe like a web series, or something manageable, but also something that keeps coming where I can interview new people I want to talk to about this, so I might want it to continue. Something about bringing anxiety to life. Or even teaming up with one of my good friends in the program who is a psychotherapist, and maybe even making videos for people who are reluctant to go to therapy or afraid to talk about it. The other thing I want to do is a film about my parents. My family is Jewish and on holidays everyone gets together for two hours and then rushes out the door. I don?t really know my family that well, not even my nuclear family, like I don?t know if they believe in God, or what the best thing that ever happened to them is, I don?t know if they?re happy, I don?t know anything about them. My older sister and I are a bit estranged also, and my middle sister is always traveling and I don?t get to see her that much, so I really want to sit down with my family and ask them the questions? that you somehow know about your friends, but never got to know about your family. I think it?s an opportunity to get my family together to do something, and we don?t get together much so there?s that, and maybe curing old wounds but really I?m just curious to get to know my family while we?re here.

A:?Well, you sound like a regular Martin Scorsese.

me   headphones

I want to thank Ms. Danielle Berg for being so open and patient with me during this interview. If you?re interested in donating or spreading the word about the Choco Rainforest, the Itapoa Reserve and Ms. Berg?s film, then you can check out their Facebook page, and the Indiegogo campaign.

You can view Danielle?s third short film on YouTube.

What do you think? Let me know by leaving a comment.

Article by: Brandon Somma

1330 Points

Filmmaker, Writer, & Musician.


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Storage Wars Texas: Jenny Bears All - 01:31-02:01AM




Jenny Bears All

Episode: 26

Premiere Date: September 19 2012

WATCH CLIPS EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS Download on iTunes Shop the Store The buyers ride out to the cowboy town of Mesquite, Texas. Mary Padian tries to impress Dr. Moe with a sleak, refurbished pool table. Jenny Grumbles uncovers a hot and steely garden item. Ricky and Bubba duke it out for a unit with some antique equestrian gear, while Victor Rjesnjansky attempts to snatch up his piece of the pie. But when Jenny suffers a blow to the head, her dreams of storage glory go up in smoke.

Jenny Bears All

The buyers ride out to the cowboy town of Mesquite, Texas. Mary Padian tries to impress Dr. Moe with a sleak, refurbished pool table. Jenny Grumbles uncovers a hot and steely garden item. Ricky and Bubba duke it out for a unit with some antique equestrian gear, while Victor Rjesnjansky attempts to snatch up his piece of the pie. But when Jenny suffers a blow to the head, her dreams of storage glory go up in smoke.

Episode: 26

Premiere Date: September 19 2012


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Maine same-sex couples marry in first hours of law

After waiting years, gay couples in Maine's largest city didn't have to wait a moment longer than necessary to wed, with licenses issued at the stroke of midnight as the law went into effect.

By David Sharp,?Associated Press / December 29, 2012

Donna Galluzzo, left, and Lisa Gorney leave the City Clerk's office after obtaining their marriage license, early Saturday at City Hall in Portland, Maine. Same-sex couples in Maine are now legally permitted to marry under a new law that went into effect at 12:01 a.m. on Saturday.

Robert F. Bukaty/AP


Arriving in a limo, Donna Galluzzo and Lisa Gorney had all the trappings of a traditional wedding: Rings, flowers, wedding vows, an entourage and a friend to officiate.

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With tears in their eyes, they were among the first gay couples to exchange wedding vows early Saturday morning after Maine's same-sex marriage law went into effect at midnight.

"We're paving the way for people to go after us. I think it's just amazing. It's freeing. It's what's right," an emotionally drained Gorney said after their ceremony in front of City Hall.

2012 enters the record books. Were you paying attention? A news quiz.

After waiting years and seeing marriage rights nearly awarded and then retracted, gay couples in Maine's largest city didn't have to wait a moment longer than necessary to wed, with licenses issued at the stroke of midnight as the law went into effect.

Steven Bridges and Michael Snell were the first in line, and they received cheers from more than 200 people waiting outside after they wed in the clerk's office.

"It's historic. We've waited our entire lives for this," said Bridges, a retail manager, who's been in a relationship with the Snell, a massage therapist, for nine years. Bridges, 42, and Snell, 53, wore lavender and purple carnations on black T-shirts with the words "Love is love."

Voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington State approved gay marriage in November, making them the first states to do so by popular vote. Gay marriage already was legal in New York, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the District of Columbia, but those laws were either enacted by lawmakers or through court rulings.

In Maine, Gov. Paul LePage signed off on the certified election results on Nov. 29, so the new law was to go into effect 30 days from that date. The law already is in effect in Washington State; Maryland's takes effect on Tuesday, the first day of 2013.

Nobody knew exactly how many couples would be rushing to get their marriage licenses early Saturday in Maine. Falmouth joined Portland in opening at midnight. Other communities including Bangor, Brunswick, and Augusta planned to hold special Saturday hours.

In Portland, the mood was festive with the crowd cheering and horns sounding at midnight as Bridges and Snell began filling out paperwork in the clerk's office in Portland City Hall. There were free carnation boutonnieres and cupcakes, and a jazz trio played.

Outside, the raucous group that gathered in front of the building cheered Bridges and Snell as if they were rock stars and broke into the Beatles' "All You Need is Love."

Fourteen couples received marriage licenses, and five of them married on the spot, a city spokeswoman said. Many of those who received their marriage license were middle-aged, and some said they never envisioned a day when gay couples could wed just like straight couples.

"I came out years ago and the only thing we wanted was to not get beaten up," said Steven Jones, 50, who married his partner, Jamous Lizotte, on his 35th birthday.

Not everyone was getting married right away.

Suzanne Blackburn and Joanie Kunian, of Portland, were among those in line to get their license at midnight, but they planned to have their marriage ceremony later. One of their grandchildren wanted them to get married on Valentine's Day.

"I don't think that we dared to dream too big until we had the governor's signature," Blackburn said. "That's why it's so important, because it feels real."

Bridges and Snell already considered themselves married because they'd held a commitment ceremony attended by friends and family six years ago. Nonetheless, they thought it was important to make it official under state law, as Snell's two daughters watched.

Katie and Carolyn Snell, the daughters, said the ceremony made formal what they knew all along to be true about the couple.

"It's just a piece of paper," said Katie Snell. "Their love has been there, their commitment has been there, all along. It's the last step to make it a true official marriage because everything else has been there from the start."

2012 enters the record books. Were you paying attention? A news quiz.


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Sunday, December 30, 2012

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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Tale of two cities: Chicago murder rate spikes, New York falls

CHICAGO/NEW YORK (Reuters) - In a sharp contrast between two of the nation's largest cities, Chicago recorded its 499th murder of 2012 on Thursday night while New York reported 414 murders as of Friday even though it has more than three times the population, according to police.

Plagued by gang violence, Chicago surpassed last year's murder total of 433 in October and is set for the highest rate of homicide since the third largest U.S. city recorded 512 in 2008. The number is likely to top 500 on the last weekend of the year.

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg announced on Friday that the nation's largest city could finish the year with the lowest number of murders and shootings since 1963, when it began keeping comparable data. The number of murders this year in New York is only about one-fifth the total of 2,245 homicides recorded in the peak year of 1990.


The rising murder rate has frustrated Chicago Police Commissioner Garry McCarthy and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who promised to make the city's streets safer when he took office in May 2011.

"It's unacceptable," McCarthy said in an interview with Reuters on Friday.

New York's Bloomberg trumpeted the news with Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly at a police recruit graduation ceremony in the borough of Brooklyn.

Kelly attributed the decline to the increasing use of stop-and-frisk tactics, when police can stop and search people on the street they consider suspicious.

"We're preventing crimes before someone is killed and before someone else has to go to prison for murder or other serious crimes," Kelly said in a statement.

Civil rights groups and some local politicians have criticized stop-and-frisk tactics, saying that most people stopped turn out to be innocent, and they unfairly target black and Latino men. The practice is the subject of a federal court case over whether it is unconstitutional.

New York has also spent $185 million to settle lawsuits filed against the police during the fiscal year 2011. A total of 8,882 suits were filed against the NYPD, a 10 percent increase from the prior year, according to a report by the city's comptroller's office.


Chicago's McCarthy said the city's high murder rate, up 18 percent over last year as of December 16, was due to gang violence. Eighty percent of the homicides were gang-related and 80 percent of the victims were African-Americans, he said.

Blacks make up about 33 percent of the city's population, according to the 2011 estimate from the U.S. Census.

In August, six people were murdered in the city on a single weekend day, the highest one-day death toll of 2012.

McCarthy and other officials blame the surge on a splintering of the city's traditional gangs and the rise of new cliques and factions that are vying, often violently, for control of turf on the city's south and west sides.

The spike in homicides was especially dramatic in the first quarter of the year, when murders jumped 66 percent. So far in the fourth quarter, McCarthy said, the murder rate is down 15 percent compared with the same period last year. Police have arrested 7,000 more gang members this year than in 2011, he said.

"We're doing what we can do and it's working," McCarthy said.

After mounting criticism of Emanuel and McCarthy earlier this year, the police chief announced a shakeup of his department, transferring some police managers among districts to bolster the battle against gangs.

McCarthy said Chicago faces a larger illicit gun problem than either New York or Los Angeles, the second-largest U.S. city.

"In the first six months of the year, we seized three guns for every gun seized in Los Angeles and nine guns for every gun confiscated by the New York Police Department," McCarthy said.

"When people ask me, 'What's different about Chicago?' that's one of the things I tell them. We have a proliferation of illegal firearms," he said.

Illinois does not ban assault weapons and the high-capacity magazines that increase their killing potential, as do New York and California. Emanuel has called for tougher gun controls in the aftermath of the recent Connecticut school shooting.


While Chicago's murder rate was up, most other categories of crime were down this year from 2011, including criminal sexual assault, robbery, motor vehicle theft and burglary, according to police statistics.

In New York, the number of rapes, robberies, felony assaults and burglaries increased between 1 and 3.4 percent compared to 2011, according to police statistics as of earlier this month. Grand larceny increased by 9 percent, which police said was because of thefts of expensive Apple products such as iPhones and iPads.

Chicago was not alone in recording a spike in murders this year. The murder rate in Detroit through December 16 was up more than 12 percent over 2011 and at the highest level in nearly two decades, according to the city's police department.

As of Friday, St. Louis had recorded 113 homicides, the same number as 2011 with one weekend to go in 2012, police spokesman David Marzullo said. Across the Mississippi River in East St. Louis, Illinois, 22 murders have been recorded this year in a town of only 27,000 people.

"The numbers just blow you away for a community as small as East St. Louis," said Brendan Kelly, state's attorney for St. Clair County, whose jurisdiction includes East St. Louis.

The East St. Louis murder rate is actually down from 30 in 2011 because of targeted patrolling of crime hot spots, Kelly said.

(Additional reporting by Tim Bross in St. Louis; Editing by Greg McCune and Leslie Gevirtz)


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Watch the Scariest Skiing Lesson of All Time

When it comes to teaching a kid to ski, we can all be fairly sure this guy's doing it wrong.

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Here's a quick synopsis of the video above (which is best seen to be believed): Person identified by Hypervocal as "jackass dad" sends a small child -- who clearly has little to no skiing experience -- gliding down a rather formidable slope. Gliding turns to hurtling as the kid loses control and shrieks in terror while picking up speed. "Jackass dad" instructor's expert advice? Simply yelling "Pizza!" repeatedly and with increasing aggression.

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Eventually, the child tumbles, yard sale style. He cries. Then "Jackass dad" has more words of wisdom: "Good job, dude! Dude, you survived!? He goes for the high five, but the kid's not having it. Some small measure of justice is served.

BONUS: 25 of YouTube?s Funniest Sports Fails

1. Golf Cart Fail

This runaway vehicle wreaked minor on-field havoc following a high school football championship in Texas last December. But a heroic bystander hopped aboard and put on the brakes.

No casualties occurred, and the clip immediately became Internet legend.

Click here to view this gallery.

Image courtesy of LiveLeak

This story originally published on Mashable here.


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Friday, December 28, 2012

jamiemalone98: Important Home Improvement Information | Pest ...

Improving your home can be a great way to enjoy your pest control charlotte living environment. Do your best to learn as much as possible before you begin. This will help make sure you do it right the first time. With the help of this article, you can be sure you get your money?s worth and be satisfied.

Before beginning any home improvement project, take the time to de-clutter and get rid of anything you do not need. You?ll then have all the space you need for moving your furniture around, and your home will be less cluttered in general. Less trash around the home will help you become more organized.

Put up some new trim and art to update your bathroom. Wallpaper trim is a very affordable choice and there are so many options that any home decor design can easily be complemented. Wallpaper trim is very easy to use. With a little artwork that is simple, yet affordable and elegant, you can turn the look of your bathroom upside down.

Give your bathroom a new glaze. This will make your bathroom look new again. A glaze treatment can be done at a much cheaper price than bathroom floor replacement. This is a good way to increase your home?s value without spending very much money.

Before renovating an entire floor of your home to raise its value, be sure go!! that the math actually makes sense. In order for the work to be worthwhile, it must pay for itself within two years. Be sure to stay within that budget, and you?ll be fine.

You can provide better security and improve your home?s exterior by having motion detecting lights installed. These lights consume less energy by switching on only in the presence of movement. Intruders will be mindful of this when coming to your house, because they know that you?ll be aware of them if the lights turn on.

You can have a lot of fun improving your home with projects that include the entire family. The addition of a garden can increase a home?s value while making it beautiful.

Make a note to check your roof; look for damage and decay every spring. Besides obviously-damaged shingles, remove and replace any shingles that have blistered or begun to curl at the edges. Resolving minor issues as they occur will prevent your from having any major issues later.

Adding bold prints to your room can make it appear more personable. You could add animal printed rugs, pillows or paintings.

If you feel you are outgrowing your home, whether because of family size or just overall boredom with the property, consider renovating it instead of moving completely. When you renovate your home, you can customize it to be exactly what you want rather than adapting to the designs of another person. All the tasks that come with new home purchase are often more costly and time consuming than simple home improvement projects that pack a big punch.

Planning your project properly can mean the difference between a headache and vastly increasing the value of your home. Use the ideas from this article as you plan to make your next move; you will be thankful you did!


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Chicago teachers sue district, claim racial bias

CHICAGO (AP) -- The Chicago Teachers Union and three teachers who lost their jobs this year have sued the city's school board claiming the practice of "turning around" schools discriminates against black teachers.

The lawsuit was filed Wednesday in federal court in Chicago. The plaintiffs are seeking class-action status.

The teachers ? Donald Garrett Jr., Robert Green and Vivonell Brown Jr. ? say the practice of firing all the staff at so-called "turnaround" schools has led to a steady decline in black teachers in the school district.

Chicago schools spokeswoman Marielle Sainvilus says that district officials can't comment on the lawsuit. But she says the district "has an obligation to expand high-quality school options ... in every neighborhood."


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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sonos Playbar appears at the FCC (update: WiFi explained)

Sonos Playbar appears at the FCC with WiFi, finally

Sonos is the de facto choice for multi-room audio, but even some of its biggest proponents will grumble about the lack of built-in WiFi -- going wireless in any way has meant tacking a Bridge on to the cost of an already expensive system. An FCC filing for an upcoming device, the Playbar, hints that common sense might have the upper hand. While there's few details of the audio system itself, there's explicit mentions of dual-band 802.11n WiFi inside. Just what that WiFi does is another matter. Sonos prefers using its proprietary network to cut back on lag and interference, so the Playbar's additional wireless may extend functionality rather than simplify our lives. With approval out of the way, there's a better chance we'll know the full story in the near future.

Update: We've done some digging, and the WiFi may be more innocuous: Sonos' proprietary network is actually WiFi that's just invisible most of the time. Android users have access to settings that expose Sonos' WiFi network and make it usable. As such, the Playbar may be more conventional than first thought, although its exact role in the home is still a mystery.

Filed under:


Source: FCC


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The 25 Breakout Stars of 2012

Every once in a while there arrives a child performance so stunning it's hard to imagine what magic conjured it. Pint-sized Quvenzhan? Wallis' acting debut in Beasts of the Southern Wild is that very thing. As Hushpuppy, a six-year-old girl facing down floodwaters, mythical beasts and her father's ailing health, Wallis is the burning bright light that galvanizes Behn Zeitlin's strange confection of realism and imagination.

Hint: use arrow keys to navigate.

Submitted By: RT Staff

Date: Dec 20, 2012



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Dentist's Office Lolita - Gather Writing Essential

Dentist's Office Lolita

My upper left molar has been disintegrating for a year.? The decay has spread around the huge old filling until the filling itself has fallen out.? Now there is hardly anything left above the gumline.? I can?t leave the house without a tube of Orajel in my pocket.? It?s time to face the music and have the old girl yanked out.

The waiting room is a study in ochre and ecru, a big screen TV running Nickelodeon high on one wall, a couple pieces of nondescript waiting room art on the other walls.? A wooden plaque high above the receptionist?s desk says, ?God Is Great.?? I sit on an uncomfortable window bench and wait; after a few minutes, the door to the inner sanctum opens and a young woman pokes her head out.? I do a double take.

It?s Take-Your-Daughter-To-Work Day, I think.

She leads me back to a cubicle and bids me sit in the dentist chair.? She could not be a hair?s breadth over four feet tall.? When I sit in the chair, we are face to face, so I am able to?in fact, can?t help but?study her in minute detail.? ?Her features are those of a twelve-year-old girl.? She has a roundish babydoll face, a pixie nose, and what looks for all the world to be the immature Chiclet-shaped teeth of a twelve-year-old, a little crooked, cute as a button.? Her brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail and on top of her head are a couple tiny droplets of rain.? Her garb does nothing to dispel the impression of schoolgirl youthfulness, consisting of a floral print smock and blue scrubs pants.

The first thing she does is drape the lead bib over my torso.? How sweet they let her do that.? I am still waiting for the real assistant to appear.? Then she (let?s call her Miranda?I never did get her name)?then Miranda starts quizzing me when did I last have a full set of x-rays.? I try to remember the name of the dentist whom I saw only once last spring, and failing that, explain where the clinic was, with not very much success.? Can we just yank this puppy out today, I ask?? Dr. Alma comes in and explains she wants to do a full set of x-rays today.? Okay, fine, I say.

One by one, Miranda places an array of variously colored and shaped plastic gizmos half into my mouth and asks me to bite down.? The thought dawns on me:? you?re actually a technician.? At one point, I wince and try to adjust my bite.? I say something about the plastic digging into my soft tissue.? She says something empathetic, like, ?I?m sorry.? I wish those things were softer.?? Something is strangely incongruous about that remark.? Then I realize what it is.? That sort of empathy is not something you normally find in a twelve-year-old.

I try to make sense out of what I?m seeing.? How old could she be and still look like that?? Fourteen?? Sixteen?? Has she dropped out of high school, gotten her GED, and taken a crash course in dental assisting?? Freudian, Nabokovian thoughts start clamoring at the edge of my skull, demanding I let them in.? I look for physical clues to her true age but find none.? I look for some hint of a profile underneath the shapeless uniform, but for all I can see, she has the body of a twelve-year old:? no chest, no butt, square waist.

Her accent is almost indiscernibly clipped.? Perhaps her parents are from Eastern Europe.? Maybe her name is Klowesoff.? I had been frustrated before by her blue latex gloves, but now as I sneak a peek I can see she has a ring on her wedding finger with more diamonds than I could dream of affording in a lifetime.? Damn!? I try to picture her husband (fianc??).? I wonder if her husband?s name is Oliver.? I wonder what Miranda looks like with Oliver Klowesoff.

Shut up!! Shut! Up! I scream interiorly at my runaway brain.? She?s going to catch me leering at her, then I won?t be able to come back ever!

Now (God have mercy on my soul!), Miranda is sitting down gently beside me.? She has her fingers in my mouth.? She is squirting cool liquid onto my tongue.? Her sweet, soft voice asks me to close my lips around the suction tube.? Miranda, Miranda, Miranda.? Could you love someone 40 years your senior?? Could you ever learn to love someone against whose bloody tooth-pit you pressed a square of sanitary gauze?

Oh well, I muse hopefully, there?s a cleaning appointment coming up?

? 2012 Douglas J. Westberg. All Rights Reserved. ?Please share this on, and elsewhere on the web by means of a link back to this page, but please do not copy. ? Doug's latest book is The Depressed Guy's Book of Wisdom from Chipmunka Publishing.

Doug's Gather Group is Depression and Creativity, devoted to creative writing about depression and related illnesses, and creative writing as therapy. ?Please consider joining. ?You can read more of Doug's posts there, or here.

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The Silver Tsunami - Yellow Scene Magazine

Their soundtrack was rock and roll: The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and The Grateful Dead. They protested war and discrimination, fought for civil and women?s rights, and championed sexual liberation and drug experimentation. They touted Allen Ginsberg, Bob Dylan, Robert Kennedy and Rachel Carson as cultural saviors. They made love, not war.

Now?though the feisty generation known as Baby Boomers may deny it?they are getting old.

The Baby Boomers total about 77 million nationwide, and during the next two decades, they will create what is being called the Silver Tsunami, a potentially detrimental flood of older adults. Every day, 10,000 Baby Boomers turn 65. According to estimates, 26 percent of Boulder County?s population will be 60 or older by 2030. That means an increased need for mobility options, healthcare information, human services, affordable housing?just to name a few?for older adults. With this Age Wave comes challenges for local organizations and agencies above and beyond simply dealing with increased numbers of older adults, such as making services more attractive to the Baby Boomers and building awareness about said services. Oh, and let?s not forget that people are living longer.

It?s a huge, overwhelming, nearly unfathomable feat to prepare for this slow tsunami to hit. And ?prepare? might be an exaggeration. In many ways, local senior service providers don?t necessarily know how they can ready themselves for the Baby Boomers with current funding and staffing.

?We have to be looking ahead,? said Sherry Leach, director of the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging. ?The question is: how do we plan for the Baby Boomers while we have a full cohort of seniors we have to provide for right now as well as all the new seniors who need information on the front end??

How is the question. The answer is still up in the air. What local experts do know is that the community will see a surge in the senior population, that there will be a need for increased services, housing and transportation?and that the Baby Boomers will be a unique force that will change how we think of senior citizens.

?It?s sort of like, forget the stereotype and get ready,? said Susan Unger, travel training coordinator at Via, a local nonprofit that provides mobility options to seniors and adults with disabilities.

The Baby Boomers have garnered a reputation over the decades of being independent, optimistic, socially conscious, politically aware and work-centric. They are the generation of Woodstock. They protested the Vietnam War. They brought us environmentalism, who invented Apple computers, DNA fingerprinting, cell phones and Viagra. Experts expect Boomers to bring the same zest to older adulthood as they did to the rest of their lives.

?The Baby Boomers have made life about them through every stage of life. I think we will find them to be more demanding with what they get and how they get it,? Leach said. ?The current crop of older adults, yes, they are individuals. But they say thank you so much. We are so lucky. They?ll say to us, ?I could take fewer hours of help, so you can help someone else.? From Boomers, I think we will get a more demanding attitude, for one thing. It has to do with assertiveness.?

Boomers are predicted to revolutionize what it means to be old. One example is the term ?senior.? Boomers loathe the word and the idea of it. Senior centers nationwide face a serious problem: Will older Baby Boomers stop by the local senior center for a lap in the pool and a game of pinochle? Or will they instead go to their yoga studio for a class and then grab a glass of wine with their pals? It leaves many believing that the word ?senior? will go the way of the ?early bird special.?

And that?s just the beginning. Boomer psychology will impact everything from senior housing?such as the design of traditional, clinical nursing homes?to services for lower income seniors.

?Can you see some Baby Boomers going to a congregate meal site?? Leach said warily. ?There are people looking at how to do it differently, like a voucher system or a food court. You could use it on healthy options. They wouldn?t have to eat everything on their plates. They can go to lunch or dinner. We will have to think about more venues and ways of delivering services.?

Leach goes on to say that while service providers will likely provide more choice, ?in some ways, the basic services won?t change.? People who need a free meal will get a free meal. People who need a ride will get a ride. Still, creating options for seniors is a major trend at Boulder County?s nonprofits, service providers and government agencies. It?s motivated one local organization to completely overhaul their focus.

Earlier this year, Special Transit changed its name to Via and rebranded itself as an organization that specializes in ?mobility options? as opposed to just a transit service. Through focus groups and surveys, the staff found that the term ?special transit? was unattractive to both aging and disabled populations.

?We have been Special Transit for 32 years or whatever, serving thousands of people, doing all kinds of good things, but we saw our name as a barrier to different populations,? said Mary Cobb, director of communications for Via.

In terms of approaching Baby Boomers as they age, the goal is now to give them the information they need to make the best choice.

?That?s how you empower people. It?s not just telling them what they need, it?s telling them what options they have,? said Lenna Kottke, executive director of Via.

Kottke and the staff expect to see increased riders in 10 to 15 years, when large numbers of residents begin hitting their 80s. They?ve overhauled their building to prepare, and they?ve added vehicles that are more ?normal looking,? such as Priuses or SUVs. They?ve talked about adding wifi to vehicles.

?We can give them the same services that their grandmother used, but they are not interested in traveling that way,? Kottke said. ?It?s good customer services, and it?s fun too. Evolution is much more fun. We?ve been going through several evolutions, like going to smaller vehicles. We know that many of our riders prefer smaller vehicles. They don?t want a huge bus pulling up in front of their house. This is how most people travel: in vans and Priuses and SUVs.?

Via also found that education will be a big part of tackling the Boomer psyche. One of their big messages is that once you connect with Via, it does not mean that you hang up your car keys. They encourage residents to learn about their mobility options, and if they need a ride one day because of weather, a medical procedure or they desire to be a passenger, give them a call. They also know that Boomers are more likely to drive longer than current generations, and that?s OK.

?We are realizing that not everyone will need a wheelchair-equipped vehicle that comes to their door, but they may have some mobility challenges, whether or not it?s their ability to drive,? Kottke said. ?Most Boomers are going to want to drive as long as possible. And that?s a really good option. We need to focus on how to get people driving safely longer.?

That?s one aspect of the Silver Tsunami that experts focus on: The longer Boomers can safely and happily live in their own homes and drive their cars, the easier it?ll be on the infrastructure. That?s where agencies like Boulder County?s Area Agency on Aging and the nonprofit Care Connect come in. Both organizations offer services to keep seniors as independent as possible. It?s called ?aging in place.?

?They can spend $250 a year on the services we offer, or $250 a day on a nursing home,? said Care Connect Executive Director Emily Ditty. ?If you can stay in your home and you want to stay in your home, we want to make that possible.?

Care Connect is a volunteer-driven nonprofit that works with residents and local organizations to provide essential services for older adults. They offer a fix-it program, in which handy volunteers do repairs and maintenance on seniors? homes or shovel snow after a storm; the carry-out caravan, a grocery delivery program; and a medical mobility service, which uses door-to-door transportation through Via and volunteer support to get older residents to and from doctors appointments. They install 400 grab bars in residents? homes a year.

Ditty says Care Connect?s offerings have grown in recent years, and they will continue to grow as they find gaps in services for older adults. They recently launched a financial literacy program that works to prevent financial exploitation of older adults.

?It?s difficult to navigate the new reality of being a senior,? Ditty said. ?Our volunteers can be the eyes, ears and mouths for our clients.?

They service about 2,500 seniors a year and expect to double that by 2014. Ditty said the organization will to continue to ?beef up? services and volunteers as the Age Wave hits.

Ditty considers Care Connect as a part of the regional ?safety net? for older adults. It?s a safety net that will need to get much bigger in the coming years, she said, and that?s a significant concern.

?If we are going to call ourselves a safety net, it has to be strong and wide,? Ditty said, admitting that there are gaps in services, including a focus on the older Latino community and more financial protections. ?And we all have to work together to make this net as strong and as wide as possible. A community in which we age well is the kind of community we all want to live in. I don?t think we want to live in a place where one group of people is not looked after.?

A big part of that safety net is housing. When an older adult is no longer able to live alone or wants to live at home, he or she may need to move in with family or consider finding a senior-friendly housing facility, such as a nursing home, assisted living community or active senior housing development. While private facilities usually keep up with the need for higher-end senior housing?like Lafayette?s new Legacy at Lafayette?one big concern in the community is affordable housing for seniors.

Willa Williford is the housing division director for Boulder County?s Housing and Human Services Department, which includes the Boulder County Housing Authority. Williford?s division focuses on areas in Boulder County outside the peripheries of Boulder Housing Partners and Longmont Housing Partners. The Boulder County Housing Authority currently has 560 affordable housing units throughout the community. They hope to nearly double that during the next 10 years.

?We are most definitely looking ahead and seeing that need increasing. We want to respond to it and be proactive,? Williford said. ?We are actively seeking opportunities to buy land, and we have been looking for land bank opportunities. Right now our focus has been in Louisville, Superior and Gunbarrel. Those communities have had quite a bit of support for increasing their inventory of senior housing.?

It?s an opportunity-driven task. It depends on where there is land, where there is need and what the money sources are. She says Superior is a likely location for a project in the coming years, as is Louisville. Williford said they are also working with a task force in Nederland to potentially help develop some affordable housing there.

The county?s most recent addition to the affordable senior housing inventory is Josephine Commons, a 55-plus housing project east of Lafayette. It?s a beautiful development: 74 units that seem more like apartments than public housing. There is a garden and common area as well as patios.

?It really speaks to the need in the community in how much interest there was and how quickly it filled up,? Williford said. ?We received the certificate of occupancy in August and within a few days, we had all the units spoken for.?

The vacant land to the west of Josephine Commons is the future site of Aspen Wall, another affordable housing project with no age restrictions. It?ll include 72 units.

The other popular Housing Authority program is the Section 8 voucher, which provides a subsidy that individuals can use in the private market. They pay 30 percent of their income to rent and the Department of Housing and Urban Development will pay the rest.

?We have about 800 vouchers,? Williford said. ?That?s another resource for seniors, but it?s very much in demand. Our wait list is three years long.?

New affordable housing projects for seniors are rare, so when a unit opens up, it?s filled fast, she said.

Boulder Housing Partner?s High Mar project, 59 affordable apartments for 55-plus residents, is expected to fill up fast. Construction on High Mar will begin in February, and leasing will begin in early 2014. Shannon Cox Baker, project manager, said they are maintaining an interest list with more than 100 names.

?There hasn?t been a new affordable senior housing project built in Boulder in years,? she said. ?The existing inventory is willfully out of date.?

She says that if the popularity of Josephine Commons is any indicator, High Mar should lease up quickly.

Still, with an estimated 100,000 older adults in the marketplace in the coming years, these projects are like drops in the tsunami. Because of cost, housing?especially, affordable housing?is sure to be the major hurdle.

?I hope we are up for the challenge,? Williford said. ?I know we can?t single-handedly meet that need. There is a strong role for the private sector and other nonprofit organizations. Like we?ve said, one size does not fit all.?

It?s a group effort, and there will be no immediate solutions. Leach of the Area Agency on Aging says her department must take on the role of advocate.

?We have not done what we need to do,? she admitted. ?While I don?t think we can do everything, I think we can be the pot stirrers, the question askers.?

While funding is tight and Older Americans Act dollars, which partially fund the AAA, have been flat for years, Leach is looking to focus on some key areas, including information resources that help residents figure out what services they may need or that counsel them on Medicare.

?If there is one thing we can do as the numbers increase, it?s to make our information as seamless, as friendly and as impactful as it can be,? she said. ?We can?t provide services for everyone, but we can get information to people and they can choose the right service for them, or figure out what they can do for themselves. That frees up the services for those who are most vulnerable. It might be someone who has money to purchase private services, and they just need the right information. We can be that resource.?

She also wants to begin meeting with other county departments to look at where they might see impacts from an increased number of older adults?from parks and recreation to urban planning. But Leach is confident that the Silver Tsunami will not be an actual disaster. She doesn?t want the community and her co-workers to see this Age Wave as a negative, as something to fear or to panic over. In fact, she says we should also focus on the benefits that will come with having a large silver-haired community.

?One thing I don?t think people realize about having an aging population is the positives,? she said. ?There are volunteer opportunities; they will serve on boards and commissions. We have this wealth of wisdom and experience.?


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