Sunday, December 23, 2012

Marketing In Russia

With the advancement in technology, marketers have identified various channels to communicate with consumers. Marketers require significant planning because there are active participants in the Russian market selling beer (Charles W. Lamb 9). The introduction is faced with the decision of choosing the best advertising strategy due to the abolition of television adverts in the near future. The analysis of the Russian market shows that the market is responsive to alcoholic drinks. The Russians have embraced the practice to the extent where alcoholic drinks are sold in kiosks. This means that the alcoholic drink to be introduced has a readily available market and therefore, the only challenge is for marketers to identify the best channel of promoting this product.

The company will choose to place its ads in Afisha which is among the most popular magazines in Russia. This magazine has been chosen as the best channel because of its popularity among the Russians. This means that the ad will be seen by as many people as possible and in the end, the alcoholic drink being introduced will become the drink of the day. Advertising through magazines is advantageous because of the ability to target a particular audience as opposed to other means like radio or newspapers. Furthermore, magazines attract an audience more than any other media because of the content. Hence it will be a very effective means of promoting the alcoholic drink.

This advertisement complies with advertising restrictions for a number of reasons. The reason as to why this advertisement can be said to comply with the restriction is the fact that it is a magazine advertisement and no radio or television. The latter two media are not allowed to broadcast promotions of alcoholic drinks and by using print media, the first restriction has been complied with Secondly, the information being provided about the product is true and there is no ounce of falsehood in it. By this, this advertisement will have complied with the restriction that seeks to prevent promoters from misleading information about their products.

The numbers of advertisements that can be acquired with a fifty thousand US dollar budget are fifty in number because each advertisement cost an average of one thousand US dollars. The price is as such because of the popularity that this magazine enjoys. It is a travel and lifestyle magazine that is published on a monthly basis. It has a larger number of audiences which is majorly composed of affluent and mature who not only afford to buy alcoholic drinks but are legally allowed to consume them. Due to the captivating nature of the magazine, its readers are very loyal to it and this number has kept increasing with time. Therefore, advertising with this magazine will always give the company the value of its money.

Afisha magazine's popularity cannot marched to any local magazine in Russia and therefore the cost of advertising with this magazine should not be discourage any strategist from using its popularity promote the product. The magazine carries out promotions like outdoor photo-exhibitions to attract more audience and ensure that the current readers remain loyal to the magazine. Its distribution channel is wide and very effective ensuring that all readers of the magazine can access it as and when they need it. This channel includes up-scale news-stands, book-shops, supermarkets, airports and boutiques. This are areas where current and potential readers can be accessed and with ease. The company can be advertising with the Afisha on a monthly basis.

The company will have one magazine advertisement per month because the magazine being used for advertisement (Afisha) is published once per month. However, to ensure that effective advertisement is being done, the company will explore other advertising media like the internet platform, mobile advertisements among others. This will ensure that the information about this drink is being communicated effectively and on time to the target audience. Follow up activities can also be incorporated to ensure that potential customers are have accessed the information they need to know about the product. This feedback can then be used to tailor the advertisements to the potential consumer's specifications. In a month, magazine advertisement can cost one thousand US dollars, web advertising may cost five hundred US dollars while mobile phone advertising two hundred US dollars. Although their costs differ, all these forms media are useful in delivering the intended information to the audience. Some potential consumers of this alcoholic drink may get this information from magazines; others will get it through the web because they spend a lot of time on the internet while others will get it through mobile phones. Below is a chart showing how this advertising expenditure is apportioned. Internet advertising is appropriate for this target audience because most potential consumers of this product are consistent internet users. They frequently visit various blogs reading and making comments on various topics of interest. They also have face book accounts with which they interact with their peers discussing various issues of interest to them. Internet advertising will therefore reach a wide mass audience. The use of the internet is growing with time at a very fast pace. In America for instance, over 53 million people use the internet to publish their thoughts, post pictures, share files get new information and even interact. This means that using it as an advertising medium can be very effective, (Helen Gallagher 2010).

The mobile is a device that is used for communication by people in remote areas or those moving from one place to another and who want immediate feedback. It is so essential that in every household there has to be at least one mobile phone. Since so many people own this device, using it as an advertising medium can add great value to an organization's advertising function. In the promotion of this alcoholic drink, messages can be sent to people via the mobile phone whose intention is to inform the public of the launching of this drink, its affordability, unique taste and flavor and where one can access it. Over the period, digital media has proved to be beneficial because it is easily accessible and consumer responses can be immediately analyzed, (Nancy Dowd, Mary Evangeliste, and Jonathan Silberman 2010). Because of the introduction of new commodity into the market, the ads should be analyzed daily. The placement of the ads should be done on a daily basis to enable the majority of subscribers and consumers to access the commodity. By placing ads on the magazine pages , the beer establishes itself in the market.

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